
[SI] Presentation Context

Here is a basic construction of self introduction in (business) presentations.

  • Greeting
  • Name, place
  • Affiliation
  • About your career briefly
  • About your affiliation briefly

Everything except greeting can be skipped. Typical situation you drop some items from this list is the moderator of your session already introduced you and you shouldn't repeat that because it violates no-duplication principle. BTW, in that case, please don't forget to say thank you to the moderator before greeting.

The purpose of self introduction in this context is roughly these three:

  • Provide essential background information which, without that, the audience must have difficulty to understand your presentation
  • Show your warm and polite attitude to build good rapport with the audience.
  • Give some ice-breaking to make audience relaxed and ready to enjoy and interact with your presentation.

So if you can improve any of these, it's okay to talk about items your moderator has already mentioned.

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