
【実践CL】18 FORMATの手習い



(format nil "~$" pi) ; "3.14"
(format nil "~5$" pi) ; "3.14159"
(format nil "~v$" 3 pi) ; "3.142"
(format nil "~#$" pi) ; "3.1"
(format nil "~#$" pi 'a) ; "3.14"
(format nil "~#$" pi 'a 'b) ; "3.142"
(format nil "~a ~#$" 'a pi 'b) ; "A 3.14"
(format nil "~2,4$" pi) ; "0003.14"

(format nil "~f" pi) ; "3.141592653589793d0"
(format nil "~,5f" pi) ; "3.14159"
(format nil "~e" pi) ; "3.141592653589793d+0"
(format nil "~,4e" pi) ; "3.1416d+0"
(format nil "~,4e" (* 10 pi)) ; "3.1416d+1"

(format nil "~d" 1000000) ; "1000000"
(format nil "~:d" 1000000) ; "1,000,000"
(format nil "~@d" 1000000) ; "+1000000"
(format nil "~@d" -1000000) ; "-1000000"
(format nil "~:@d" -1000000) ; "-1,000,000"
(format nil "~12d" 1000000) ; " 1000000"
(format nil "~12,'0d" 1000000) ; "000001000000"
(format nil "~4,'0d-~2,'0d-~2,'0d" 2005 6 10) ; "2005-06-10"
(format nil "~,,'.,4:d" 1000000) ; "100.0000"

(format nil "~x" 1000000) ; "f4240"
(format nil "~o" 1000000) ; "3641100"
(format nil "~b" 1000000) ; "11110100001001000000"

(format nil "The value is: ~a" 10) ; "The value is: 10"
(format nil "The value is: ~a" "foo") ; "The value is: foo"
(format nil "The value is: ~a" (list 1 2 3)) ; "The value is: (1 2 3)"

(format nil "Syntax error. Unexpected character: ~:c" #\a) ; "Syntax error. Unexpected character: a"
(format nil "~@c~%" #\a) ;"#\\a
(format nil "~:@c" (code-char 0)) ; "null"

(format nil "~r" 1234) ; "one thousand two hundred thirty-four"
(format nil "~:r" 1234) ; "one thousand two hundred thirty-fourth"
(format nil "~@r" 1234) ; "MCCXXXIV"
(format nil "~:@r" 1234) ; "MCCXXXIIII"

(format nil "file~p" 1) ; "file"
(format nil "file~p" 10) ; "files"
(format nil "file~p" 0) ; "files"

(format nil "~r file~:p" 1) ; "one file"
(format nil "~r file~:p" 10) ; "ten files"
(format nil "~r file~:p" 0) ; "zero files"

(format nil "~r famil~:@p" 1) ; "one family"
(format nil "~r famil~:@p" 10) ; "ten families"
(format nil "~r famil~:@p" 0) ; "zero families"

(format nil "~(~a~) ~a" "AaA" "AaA") ; "aaa AaA"
(format nil "~(~a~)" "AaA bBb") ; "aaa bbb"
(format nil "~@(~a~)" "AaA bBb") ; "Aaa bbb"
(format nil "~:(~a~)" "AaA bBb") ; "Aaa Bbb"
(format nil "~:@(~a~)" "AaA bBb") ; "AAA BBB"

(format nil "~[cero~;uno~;dos~]" 0); "cero"
(format nil "~[cero~;uno~;dos~]" 1); "uno"
(format nil "~[cero~;uno~;dos~]" 2); "dos"
(format nil "~[cero~;uno~;dos~]" 3); ""

(format nil "~[cero~;uno~;dos~:;mucho~]" 3) ; "mucho"
(format nil "~[cero~;uno~;dos~:;mucho~]" 100) ; "mucho"

(defparameter *list-etc*
"~#[NONE~;~a~;~a and ~a~:;~a, ~a~]~#[~; and ~a~:;, ~a, etc~].")

(format nil *list-etc* ) ; "NONE."
(format nil *list-etc* 'a) ; "A."
(format nil *list-etc* 'a 'b) ; "A and B."
(format nil *list-etc* 'a 'b 'c) ; "A, B and C"
(format nil *list-etc* 'a 'b 'c 'd) ; "A, B, C, etc"
(format nil *list-etc* 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e) ; "A, B, C, etc"

(format nil "~:[FAIL~;pass~]" t); "pass"
(format nil "~:[FAIL~;pass~]" nil); "FAIL"

(format nil "~{~a, ~}" (list 1 2 3)) ; "1, 2, 3, "
(format nil "~{~a~^, ~}" (list 1 2 3)) ; "1, 2, 3"
(format nil "~@{~a~^, ~}" 1 2 3) ; "1, 2, 3"

(format nil "~r ~:*(~d)" 1) ; "one (1)"

(format nil "I saw ~r el~:*~[ves~;f~:;ves~]." 0); "I saw zero elves."
(format nil "I saw ~r el~:*~[ves~;f~:;ves~]." 1); "I saw one elf."
(format nil "I saw ~r el~:*~[ves~;f~:;ves~]." 2); "I saw two elves."

(format nil "~{~s~*~^ ~}" '(:a 10 :b 20)) ; ":A :B"


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